The Current Officers of the Harvard Daughters of Isabella
Regent: Melissa Hammer

Melissa is the current head of the Harvard Daughters of Isabella. She oversees all functions of the circle, including appointing committees and signing official documents. With the help of her trusted officers, she leads the Daughters in pursuing Unity, Friendship, and Charity.
melissahammer [at]
Diana is the second-in-command. She fills in when the Regent is absent and works closely with the Regent in leadership of the Circle. Her dedication to promoting community in the daughters has been prominent since her joining the circle.
dgerberich [at]
dgerberich [at]
Imani's dedication to and passion for the Daughters of Isabella has been vital to its continuation and strength over the past few years. Her guidance and knowledge will continue to support Melissa and Diana as she assumes the position of Honorary Past Regent.
imani.bunn [at]
imani.bunn [at]
Chancellor: Joanna Koczuk
Joanna is in charge of all spiritual activities of the Circle, including Novenas, Rosaries, and weekly newsletters. These activities further deepen our bond of faith and commitment to service. Her desire to strengthen the circle and engage members is vital to our functioning.
jkoczuk [at]
Jill is in charge of the financial aspect of the Daughters and, in a very special way, our council "mom." Although her terms are one year each, her position is permanent for as long as she can put up with us. She receives all money from the Financial Secretary, manages the bank account, pays all bills, and helps with St. Paul's parish community integration.
jillfallon [at]
Financial Secretary: June Criscione

June collects all of the money from the Daughters for dues and gives it to the Treasurer. Additionally, she is tasked with preparing quarterly financial reports for international. Her vibrant personality and glowing smile are well adored in our Circle.
jcriscione01 [at]
Sarah approves bill payment at meetings and examines the financial books of the circle. She recently graduated from the Extension School with a masters in Museum Studies, and she works at the New England Aquarium. She is studying Carmelite Theology.
sarahmy [at]